Any readers? // Movies I've been watching

I kind of really wish people actually read my blog. Like yeah it's kind of all over the place and slightly concerning, but it would be nice to think that someone's reading this and enjoying my shitty writing. If you actually read this blog comment to email me at

Anyway, I've been watching more Netflix since summer break started (like, 3 days ago) and I watched this movie that I really enjoyed. It is called Super Dark Times and it's a thriller.
Image result for super dark times

I really enjoyed it. I don't want to rewrite the synopsis so you can read about it here.

I'm really attracted to that Josh character even though he's a serial killer at the end of the movie. I thought it was fucked up of him to almost kill his best friend who still cared deeply about him, but I still think he was cute. I think the Zach dude was cute too and his mom in the movie is so sweet. The actors in this movie did an amazing job in my opinion and this is probably one of my favorite movies that I've watched recently. It was probably the most intense thing I've watched in a while (since I rarely watch thrillers) but it was really intriguing to me.
Image result for super dark times

For me, it was such a plot twist that Josh turned into an actual killer after the first incident. But in my eyes, he's still a good kid at the end even though he was fucked up. That one scene towards the end when he's fighting Zach and Zach tells him he loves him is one of my favorite parts in the movie. Like damn.

Another movie I watched was a Turkish movie called mustang. Read about it here.
Mustang (film) - Wikipedia
I think this one was really interesting because it goes into how the culture and social constructs of a country (in this case Turkey I assume) affects the lives of women and girls. All the actresses and this movie are so beautiful as well (they all have really pretty eyes too) and I really liked the way it was filmed. I think everyone should watch this movie. I was happy for the two remaining sisters at the end but I want to know what happens to them afterward, although I think a sequel is unnecessary

I am currently watching Heartthrob on Netflix, which is another thriller (at least I think it it is). It's essentially about this girl's yandere boyfriend. I honestly don't even think that having a yandere for a bf/gf is even that bad. I mean, at least you know they care about you. It's kinda hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but to be fair, I've never been in a serious relationship so anything is attractive to me (not true). It's pretty interesting. At first I thought it was a dumb romance movie but when Henry killed that first guy, I was sold.Image result for heartthrob movie


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