Generation Z

I think our generation is crowded with kids who spend way to much time in their own heads, me included.
 We hide behind masks of low self-esteem, self-deprecating jokes, and "humility" for what? To make others like us? To make us like ourselves?
We pretend that we don't care but it's a shared secret that we all count our followers from behind the screen.
I tend to get inspired too easily and try to mold myself into another girl. She's not even who I want to be; she's someone different entirely.
She has lots of friends and plays the ukulele and the bass guitar and the drums and she writes books and has a cool job and drives a fancy car. And starts edgy blogs.

She doesn't have a name, and she's always changing, always spontaneous. She follows her dreams despite the risks and is genuinely happy.

I wish I were as brave as her. I want to be a musician. but what's the probability that I'll actually make it in that field? One in a thousand? One in a million?
That's why I "want" to be a computer scientist when I'm over.
With the rise of AI and AR, technology is the most promising field of work in the future.

I may not be happy, but at least I'll have the money.
And the money keeps me alive.
I think our generation is growing up too fast. We're too realistic. I feel like I've grown up knowing how hard it is in the real world, but now I can't ignore it anymore. I have to start applying to college soon.

Our generation is growing up too fast, and so we think we're adults.
We're NOT.
We. Are. Not.
How can you be an adult when you act like you don't need to worry about anything?
How can you spend your money buying stupid shit just because you aren't paying the bills? ?
How can you not care about school when education is the only thing you get for free???
How can you drink underage when you could get arrested????
How can you go to parties on a school night?????
How can you act the way you do and still call yourself an adult
You're still a kid. We all are.
I keep thinking what it would be like if I fell in love and dropped out of school.
I think my ideal life would be Kira and Rei's from MARS.
So madly in love that they would do anything for each other, while stumbling through their own problems.

I have read MARS at least 5 times (that Is a lie, I have read it only two times) and I envy them so much. I want to fall in love and lose my virginity and live happily ever after.

I want to do everything and nothing at the same time.
what did I say? We gen z kids get to caught up in our own heads.

l  i  n  k  s:

a  n  i  m  e    r  e  c  o  m  m  e  d  a  t  i  o  n  s:
darling in the franxx
my hero academia
your name

b  o  o  k    r  e  c  o  m  m  e  n  d  a  t  i  o  n  s: 
feed by Matthew Tobin Anderson
n  o  t  e:
the above links go to websites with nsfw ads (kissanime and mangareader)

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  1. You don't have to say it; I know this is cringy as hell. But hey, I was like, a sophomore so I kind of have a right to. LMAO I remember when there was a time I used to read books. Now I spend all my time on the internet.


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