2019 is a shitty year

On new years eve, I had so much confidence in the year 2019. I said to myself, "2019 is my year. I can feel it". I said to my family, "2019 is our year. It's going to be great!"

Well then tell me how we have already gotten into 2 car accidents, my brother was hit me a freaking car, and multiple of my mother's friends and colleges died, including one that my mom considered as a sister. 

Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing my mom cry. And I have seen her cry so much already.


Just when my family thinks that we're in the clear, something else happens.

I hate this year and want it to be over already.
I hate everything.
I wish I didn't have to leave my house,
I wish I didn't have to go to school,
I wish I didn't have to talk to anyone.

I genuinely and truly hate everything.

As I held my mother, she cried out to God.
"Help us"
"Just give us a break"

God, I know you're out there. I know for a fact that you are. If you weren't my brother would be dead. So please, I beg you, give us a break. Give my mother the strength to overcome this tragedy. I know you love us, so please help us right now.

I was standing at the doorway when my mom found out that her friend (my auntie)died. As soon as it was confirmed, I went to my room and cried. My parents probably thought I was crying for my auntie that just passed. I loved her and I'm sad about it, but I wasn't (it still hasn't really processed in my brain yet). I was crying for my mom.


She has cried too much already. 

When she heard me crying, she sent my dad to go to comfort me.

It's going to be ok. I love you. Please don't cry.

*sigh* time to go to sad boi hours...


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