Sorry for that last post

It was super depressing. But you know what? That's how I feel and it's not like anyone is reading this anyway. Although I wish someone did, even if it's just one person. I'm still on the hunt for internet friends, I'm pretty nice and friendly online.

For a change of pace, I'm going to write about fun things that happened and things that make me happyish. I'm not a sack of depression all the time.

I really like watching and talking about anime. My favorite one right now is Banana Fish. I really like it. (I rant about it sometimes on Disqus so you can check out my comments on it there)
I would give it a solid 10 out of 10. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about it. I really like the art style, too.
I also recently binge-watched this show called Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan. This one's really good too but the ending was a little lacking for me. I still really loved it and it was genuinely entertaining. The art style is freaking adorable as well and I liked the animation.

Also... My school had our homecoming dance recently! It was really fun actually. I don't like dances because they tend to be a lot of effort. I went with my friends and afterward we just chilled at Starbucks for hours just spilling tea and the like.

So far that's the only remotely enjoyable thing that has happened to me this month but I'll keep y'all posted.


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