Weird blogs I came across

So if you have ever tried making a blog on blogger, you notice when you try to enter a domain name for your blog, 8 times out of ten, it's taken. And it's always the words that are strange and obscure names for a blog. Like who would name their blog ?
So I just started trying out simple and common words and adding "" at the end to see what kinds of blog I would find. A lot of them don't have any posts or were taken down, but there are some hidden gems here and there.
I've also noticed that the vast majority of blogs I found were created in the early 2000s (some before I was even born).

These are some of my favorites:

Reading these blogs was kinda weird because it was kind of like I was spying on someone's life story. It was kinda fascinating to be perfectly honest. I wonder if Tyler (he was the author of ever married to Laurel, even though realistically, they probably wouldn't still be together right now.

 I assume that most of these people were teenagers or young adults. It was interesting because, for a lot of blogs I saw, it was one of the writer's first experiences with the internet. Which. as a member of a generation that grew up with technology, caught me off-guard.


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