
Showing posts from June, 2020

Anime review time! :)

Hi everyone! It just occurred to me that I should link Myanimelist here. Feel free to friend me/message me on there; I accept all requests. Here it is: You can look at all the anime I've watched! I only update it after I've completed a series.  I used to be strictly shoujo, but most of the anime I watch are shounen and seinen animes. Some animes I've just finished are Devilman: Crybaby, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and B: The Beginning. Devilman: Crybaby Review There's got to be something about putting a colon in the title of anime that makes it really good. Or maybe it's the other way around; colons are only in the titles of good anime. Devilman: Crybaby was really intriguing and I liked the concept, even though it felt a little done-before. Ryo was my favorite character. I loved his character design and his genius personality. I liked Akira too, but a part of me hoped that he would revert back to his norma

Just one thing that we have in common--neither of us should exist... | quarantine update

It's the spring of 2020, and you all know what that means. School is online, I'm about a month into quarantine. Prom was canceled, so last week I bought supplies and decorated my living room and threw my own prom and took pictures. I don't really know how graduation's going to happen though... Update: I didn't finish writing and now it's two months later lol. I was reading some of my old posts and realized that I should have put a trigger warning on some of them. I used to not think that trigger warnings benefit anyone, but now that I experienced some ~trauma~ for myself, I appreciate them. It's just nice to be prepared for those kinds of things. //TW// My triggers are based on the trauma I got from a certain family member of mine. I hate anything that has to do with su!cide. I watched the movie All the Bright Places, and I hated it because of the ending (spoiler alert lol). I just have a lot of feelings regarding the topic. On one hand, I completely un