
Showing posts from May, 2019

Any readers? // Movies I've been watching

I kind of really wish people actually read my blog. Like yeah it's kind of all over the place and slightly concerning, but it would be nice to think that someone's reading this and enjoying my shitty writing. If you actually read this blog comment to email me at . Anyway, I've been watching more Netflix since summer break started (like, 3 days ago) and I watched this movie that I really enjoyed. It is called Super Dark Times and it's a thriller. I really enjoyed it. I don't want to rewrite the synopsis so you can read about it here . SP0ILER ALERT! I'm really attracted to that Josh character even though he's a serial killer at the end of the movie. I thought it was fucked up of him to almost kill his best friend who still cared deeply about him, but I still think he was cute. I think the Zach dude was cute too and his mom in the movie is so sweet. The actors in this movie did an amazing job in my opinion and this i

When will I stop being dumb and ugly?

I'm dumb and ugly and stupid and lazy/ Why do I even pretend like I'm better than anyone else? I'm nothing. All I do is say dumb shit and get in everyone else's way. Of course no one cares about me. Honestly, the world is better off without me. Everything fucking sucks. That's essentially the mood for about the last couple years of my life. Everything fucking sucks. I should honestly kill myself but I can't even do that much. I can't wait to move out so I can wallow in self-pity by myself. Life sucks. When will I stop being dumb and ugly? There is no value to my life whatsoever. I'm so boring and fake. No one truly knows me at all. I hate it when people think they know me and make all these assumptions. Like what the fuck makes you think that you really understand me? I am a fake. No one knows the real me. You make know what I like and dislike, what my favorite colors are, but no one knows what really goes on in my head. This is stupid. There&#