
Showing posts from November, 2018

Sorry for that last post

It was super depressing. But you know what? That's how I feel and it's not like anyone is reading this anyway. Although I wish someone did, even if it's just one person. I'm still on the hunt for internet friends, I'm pretty nice and friendly online. For a change of pace, I'm going to write about fun things that happened and things that make me happyish. I'm not a sack of depression  all the time. I really like watching and talking about anime. My favorite one right now is Banana Fish . I really like it. (I rant about it sometimes on Disqus  so you can check out my comments on it there) I would give it a solid 10 out of 10. I can't think of a single bad thing to say about it. I really like the art style, too. I also recently binge-watched this show called Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan . This one's really good too but the ending was a little lacking for me. I still really loved it and it was genuinely entertaining. The art style is freaki

I'm literally so ugly and I fucking hate myself // UPDATE

Honestly. Like I'm so ugly. Ok so I've been gone for a hot minute so let me just update real fast: I got a boyfriend yayy We broke up after, like, a month I'm spiraling deeper into a crippling depression I literally hate myself/I'm ugly/Body dysmorphia? I want to start a youtube channel Family issues :( School fucking sucks I'll just go through these bullet points point by point... I got a boyfriend There was this guy I was kinda basically friends with and one day we started talking and we found out that we have a lot (and I mean a lot) in common. Then I told him that I liked him, which was super spontaneous and spur-of-the-moment. The thing was, I kinda liked him for a while but I stopped on account of my self-diagnosed body dysmorphia (I do this thing where I convince myself out of liking someone because I think that are way out of my league and I'm too ugly for them.....which is good and fun and fresh). But at that moment I felt that I rea